*boop* hey there
This is Letter from Rocco, a newsletter to bring you joy.
My hope is to share some pictures of Rocco, my beagle, and the different ways that he helps me sniff out God’s mercies.
Because if there’s one thing that Rocco does well, it’s sniffing.
Why Rocco?
When I (Cecilia) was really struggling with my own mental health, I found that I needed to have some kind of purpose in my life. I tried some of the *big* things. I tried different jobs in ministry. I tried to revitalize my prayer life. Heck, I even started a podcast.
Then one day, my therapist suggested I get a dog.
I immediately said no. How would I take care of a dog when I couldn’t even take care of myself? As my lips said no, my hands started applying to adopt rescue dogs.
I applied for about 10 different dogs. Most were elderly. Most said no because I live in an apartment. And then I got a call that I could rescue a one year-old beagle named Wallace. Here we are when I adopted him:
I got to the shelter and the volunteer brought him out. She said two things: 1) He is the friendliest dog ever. 2) He has no idea his name is Wallace.
So, I named him after the patron saint of dogs (and plagues, weirdly enough): St. Roch, or San Rocco in Italian. God sent a dog to rescue St. Roch from serious illness. And boy, did I need rescuing.
Since God has sent Rocco into my life, I have found that I have been able to become more childlike, to not take things so seriously. God has used this dog, this silly dog, to help me see just a tiny bit of what He sees when He looks at each of us.
About Cecilia
Cecilia Cicone works in ministry and evangelization in Delaware, where she drives a pick-up truck and drinks way too much decaf coffee. You can usually find her reading, writing, or chasing fountains. You can follow her on Twitter @cecsquared.